The Importance of Real People in Creative Production

In today’s world, authenticity and connection are at the heart of what consumers want from brands. We’ve seen the rise of movements that prioritize showing more candid moments, inclusivity, diversity, and environmental responsibility. This shift has made consumers more critical of overly polished and constructed images—people are looking for realness, not perfection. In this context, the trend toward AI-generated models and backgrounds raises important questions about what brands truly stand for.

The Appeal of Realness

In recent years, consumers have been drawn to brands that showcase authenticity. The perfect, polished images of the past have been replaced by more spontaneous, “in-between” moments that feel relatable. This trend came hand-in-hand with brands striving to show that they care about real issues, like the environment, diversity, and inclusion. Consumers increasingly want to feel connected to brands that reflect their own values, including sustainability and inclusivity.

However, we’ve seen some brands merely adopting these values superficially—what we call “greenwashing”—where they promote themselves as eco-friendly or inclusive without truly embodying these principles.

The Rise of AI and Its Impact

Now, we are seeing a new challenge. Some brands, including those that advertised themselves as inclusive and sustainable, have turned to AI-generated models and backgrounds to cut costs and create content faster. What’s concerning is that this shift away from using real people and real locations seems to reveal that their claims of being “green” and “inclusive” were never deeply rooted in their values.

Brands that once said they cared about diversity and real-world impact are now using technology that eliminates the need for local creatives, models, and production crews. This shift not only contradicts their previous messaging but also takes away jobs from the very people these brands claimed to represent.

The Problem with AI-Generated Content

While AI-generated images and models may seem innovative, they fail to deliver what consumers want: connection. Consumers want to see themselves reflected in the brands they support. The rise of diversity and inclusivity movements in fashion and advertising came from this desire to see real people with different skin tones, shapes, and backgrounds represented. AI models can never replicate the depth, emotion, or relatability that real people bring to a campaign.

Brands that turn to AI risk losing the very thing that made them appealing to consumers—their humanity. Case studies have shown that AI-generated content doesn’t resonate as strongly with audiences. People crave authenticity, and the disconnect between an AI-generated image and a real human experience is stark.

Why Real People Matter

At ShootShare, we believe in the power of real people and real stories. We work with brands that care about their impact on the world and the people they serve. Our shoots use real models, real artists, and real locations because that’s what connects with audiences. Creativity is human at its core, and replacing it with AI takes away the heart and soul of what makes great content.

AI may offer convenience, but it comes at the cost of creativity and connection. By excluding AI from our work, we ensure that every image and video we produce stays true to the values we share with our clients: sustainability, authenticity, and inclusivity.

Conclusion: Staying True to Core Values

For brands that truly care about their consumers and the world around them, the answer isn’t AI. It’s investing in real people, local creatives, and authentic production processes that reflect the values they claim to hold dear. At ShootShare, we work with brands that understand this and prioritize meaningful content over shortcuts.

Choosing real people and real locations not only builds stronger connections with consumers, but it also ensures that the values of inclusivity, sustainability, and authenticity are truly upheld. This is why we say no to AI and yes to working for brands that care. Let’s keep the creativity human and the connection real.


ShootShare Founder Q&A: Why AI Isn’t the Answer for Our Industry